Muhammad Fikri Part 1: Mode Ninja ON When You Observing the Slow Loris

Hai I’am Mohammad Noor Fikri. I love volunteerism, especially volunteering of humanity and conservation. In the Little Fireface Project, apart from slow lorises, it also includes farming, there are a lot of coffee and pumpkins in local peoples  farm. Observations between the gardens made my knees stronger and my waist muscles more flexible because I needed to walk under lush pumpkins and also the ground with a slope of almost 100%. I needed the right body position to avoid injury, this position  same as one of the character of anime in Japan that is NARUTO. Running position from “Naruto” is popular in child or also for some people who loved anime.  Beside of our position have to balanced and faster to follow the slow loris we also have to focus on hanging pumpkins,  it can hitting our head if we didn’t focus on it.

In the midst of thick coffee, I was felt the scary moment when the moon really bright and the owl voice is louder. On that time I lost the tracker in the middle of heavy fog. But don’t worry they just around me to checked the signal from the slow loris. However on that situation I prayed I always save when I’m going to the field and God will blessed me with the tracker who company me every night I going to the field. Spiritual journey can be found at the night when you think you found the way to observe the slow loris but that cannot be found during the day.  


The story from Muhammad Fikri is not finish. Please waiting his part 2.

Saya menyukai dunia kerelawanan, khususnya dalam bidang kemanusiaan dan konservasi. Di Little Fire Face Project selain berurusan dengan Kukang tapi juga dengan pertaniannya, hususnya kopi dan labu. Melakukan pengamatan kukang diantara kebun labu membuat lutut saya semakin kuat dan otot pinggang terasa semakin lentur karena perlu berjalan dibawah labu yang rimbun dan pendek juga tanah dengan kemiringan hampir 100% perlu posisi tubuh yang tepat agar tidak cedera, yaitu posisi lari seperti di anime Naruto, ditambah tingkat waspada yang tinggi agar terhindar dari menabrak labu yang bergelantungan.

Ditengah rimbunnya kopi, saya pernah merasa ketakukan karena kehilangan jejak tracker, dibawah terang sinar bulan, kabut tebal dan suara burung hantu yang has membuat suasana cukup mencekam. Selebihnya saya hanya bisa berharap keselamatan pada Sang Pencipta melalui perantaraan tracker, sungguh bagi saya melakukan pengamatan dimalam hari menjadi perjalanan spiritual untuk menemukan tanda-tandaNya yang tidak bisa ditemui di siang hari.

Kisah Mohammad Fikri belum selesai. Silahkan tunggu bagian 2nya.