Hello Everyone! Xin chào!
My name is Brittany Rapone, and I am a Primate Conservation MSc student at Oxford Brookes University. Professor Anna Nekaris is my dissertation supervisor, and for my dissertation, I’m spending about two months at the Endangered Primate Rescue Center (EPRC) in Cuc Phuong National Park in northern Vietnam. The EPRC houses over 180 primates, including 28 pygmy and Bengal slow lorises within their centre, with three additional pygmy lorises roaming a semi-wild hill.

My project
While here, I intend to create a slow loris guide that combines important information into a single document that is useful for carers. Additionally, I intend to record some loris enclosures hoping to see some wild behaviours like tree gouging looking for gum. After receiving a warm welcome in on the 25th, I’ve spent the past couple of days observing loris husbandry, learning the different types of local trees that have gum, measuring cage sizes, taking photos, and following a tracker attempting to locate one of the semi-wild lorises sleeping tree. There are a lot of exciting things coming during the time I’m here, including moving some lorises to brand-new enclosures and some wild releases, so stay tuned!