Sometimes when I observe Shirley’s family, I often found Shakti with her daddy, Fernando. They often have the same sleep site, play together, groom each other or just being lazy in cold-windy weather. One day in my 1st shift, I found they call each other when I haven’t known what the vocalisation is. But when the tracker checks the signal, there is Shakti’s and Fernando’s frequency. In my sight, Shakti attached with her father. Besides that, I found Lava and Rufio quite closer too. I think they always find some ways to closer even when Rufio in a far tree from Lava. Recently, we found Dindi back home with ghee in the same sleep site and sleep together.
It is called Paternal Care, when male that has a relationship with their infant.

Paternal care is interesting. Because I think that the care system mostly handles by mom. But in the book of Behavioral Ecology Primates said that sometimes males take the role to care, infant because the mom and the baby have stress level and he has increased prolactin hormone because of it. So they care for their infant.
In the human world, male take the role of a caring system. The doctor who research about this called “A Father Touch”. Father touch make a child grow up with curiosity, independent and strong. Even when it just a moment when their offspring was kids.
In the primates world, the father makes offspring feel safe and teach how to defend from a predator. The teaching section is when they play together or just have social interaction together. Loris (Nycticebus javanicus) is a monogamous animal which takes a role part of nurturing his baby, actually. But, what interesting that the child grew as a subadult and they still attached with their father.

I think this topic is interesting to report as an undergraduate thesis. I would like to raise this idea, because I remember that Dendi said, “The Precious Idea is The Idea which can be real.” So, I have to hard work to make this idea real.
So, maybe this part is the new episode of my project!!