It is amazing how two distinct souls can be a mate and built a family. That’s happened as well in slow loris. Shirley is a calm and caring adult female, whereas Fernando is an formidable fighter.
Both of them have had quite similar past relationships, as they were both left by their mate. Perhaps that’s why destiny has brought them together.
People might think that he is mean, but he is a caring gentleman: Fernando
After being rejected by Tereh, Fernando searched for another female and finally he found Shirley! Fernando and Shirley have been together for about four years now. They started building a family in 2017 with the birth of Star. Since then, they have had another four offspring, Solo, Shanti, Shakti and Sirius. As Shakti and Sirius are still sharing their parent’s home range, they are currently a happy family of four.
Fernando’s queen, Shirley
Their offspring have different personalities and fates. Star dispersed to find her own home range outside of the study area. Solo is an adventurous young adult, despite still living near the area of his parents, and is sharing his homerange with two adult females but we don’t know what kind of relationship they have.
Cute litte Star being photographed before she went into the forest.
Shanti was a playful young loris who loved to socialise with his brother and sister. Sadly, his life was cut short in March this year, we believe he may have been victim to the strong winds that reach Cipaganti during rainy season as he was found underneath a tall kayu putih tree. Both Shakti and little Sirius are shy individuals that still have much to learn before they are ready to leave Shirley and Fernando.
Lovely Shanti exploring his evening inside the bamboo patch
Fernando, even though he is aggressive, is a responsible father. He uses play to help his offspring learn to survive. He and his offspring are often mock fighting and grabbing each other during play. This will help them develop motor skills, build social relationships and strengthen social bonds. In contrast, Shirley is a protective mother, she likes to be around her offspring or looking over them from afar.
So cute that we have this handsome Solo being photograph as if he is posing!
Together they make a happy and strong family that we can learn from every day!