Miskin means “poor” in Indonesian, and it is a very appropriate name for the cat at the LFP research station (also called Rumah Hijau “green house”). Miskin is, in fact, born as a poor cat, bullied by the
other cats at the green house and it was hard for her to get food. But now that she is the only cat in the house, she is treated like a queen!

When I met Miskin
I do not know the full story, I have been told by others, but Miskin is around 2 years old and she was together with other three cats in the green house. When I arrived here in January, she was together with Fluffy, the other cat that in February left the green house to stay with the research coordinator Helene. But I always preferred Miskin, she is a special cat. Being bullied by other cats in the house when young made her very stressed and always asking for food. She thus gained a lot of weight, but Michela and I tried to get her losing weight since she might have health problems if not. She needed someone to love her, and to be always with her. And here is the role of Michela and me!

A special cat
When you are sad, she stays with you, when she is scared or stressed she comes to you and she needs to be cuddled. She wakes you up in the morning purring and sitting on you. I never saw a cat so sweet! It is only two days that I left her since I had to go back to the UK, and I am already missing her. Miskin deserves a full blog since she has been very important to cheer us the team (especially Michela and I) and volunteers at the green house, and she is thus having a fundamental role to keep the team together and to even get good results. But of course I love her and I would like to bring her with me one day! MARCO CAMPERA