Nature Club, one timeless activity in Little Fireface Project, that have impressions on everyone who engage in it.
When you heard the word “kids” what is the first thing that you have in mind? Some would say chaos, immature, naïve, loud etc., but some would also mention honest sincerity, fun, creativity, new, hope and future. This is the story of how kids can drive you crazy mad but it just makes you love them even more.

For nearly everyone who has been in our field station Green House in Cipaganti, they must have undergone with the neighbouring kids who will shout “bule, bule!” to everyone living in the Green House. The shouting sometimes didn’t limit to international staffs and volunteers as nowadays Indonesian staffs and volunteers also get shouted. We felt like a superstar here because soon as you arrived, you are popular among them. The fame is because we carved stories in their life and so were they.
The good old days! Director Prof Anna Nekaris teach the kids “Slow Loris the Forest Protector” by story telling of Tereh and Bunga During the early time LFP in Cipaganti 2013, we are excited to make a loris Kite Girls only? of course not! First elementary school only? of course not!
Kids are like a blank canvas, ready to be decorated. Any treatment, any colour you express on them will be embroidered forever. That’s convinced why education at an early age is undoubtedly important especially here with our work on conservation. Local community near the forest or other wildlife habitat holds an important role in protecting the biodiversity of the lands lies surrounding them, thus education and empowerment always work in line with conservation action.
We were spreading wings! Former Field Station Coordinators teaching kids about slow loris in North Sumatera through Forest Protectors curriculum Doing education program in our sister project in Kemuning Not only indoor classes, we also do outdoor activities! The day when we take all our Nature Club students to do tree planting in Cipaganti
In LFP, when exact science educated in school, we provide more like extracurricular classes where we teach kids to live friendly towards the environment and wildlife around them. That activity called Nature Club and it has been developed since the first Little Fireface design its project in Indonesia until the present time. Now as we are moving to a decade, the first generation of kids that we teach back then has grown up and now another generation is ready to be another forest protectors!
always exciting to see kids are willing to take part in class! in this picture Anisa 2 yo kids trying her best to do story telling in front of everyone! not only learning about wildlife, also learn about trees, in this picture volunteer Assyifa teach kids about leaves type Even tough pandemic is a difficult time, we don’t see any decreasing in kid’s spirit! In frame is volunteer Laila sharing about civets to the kids and do some art! neighbouring kids who always greets us anytime they walked by
It is a heartwarming and gratified moment all at once to see the next generation of the local community are progressing to live sustainably side by side with the wildlife and its habitat around them. This is my story of half-year lives circled by kids cheering play every day, what is yours?