Search: “education”

155 results for your search.

Slow Loris Forest Protector

Through this fun and interactive education programme, the data are collected in an entertaining and educational method that encourages children to be creative and…

Welcome to Little Fireface Project

Welcome to Little Fireface Project The Little Fireface Project (LFP), headed by Professor Anna Nekaris OBE, studies the ecology of the slow and slender…

Pengenalan ke Sekolah Mi-Alhidayah

Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Hidayah adalah sekolah muslim yang bernuansa Islami dan berdasarkan Quran mencetak anak yang beriman dan berperilaku baik. MI Al-Hidayah berdiri pada bulan…

Pollinators of Cipaganti

The dry season is nearly here, and all of the Calliandra calothrysus seeds are beginning to disperse! One third of the loris diet in…

A New Way of Learning

Saving endangered primates with fake fur might sound mad but that’s exactly what I’ve come to Asia to try. I arrived at LFP this…

Nature and Nurture

My name is Nadia and I have just completed my first week at Little Fireface Project. Unlike most of the people here, I am…

Kukang in Bukit Lawang

  Last week three of the team members (Faye, Julia and myself) headed off to Bukit Lawang in Sumatra, to work with some of…