Search: “cipaganti”

195 results for your search.

Organic coffee and conservation

Promoting organic coffee production to help slow loris conservation? That is our current plan. A sustainable way to implement the conservation of threatened species…

My Time at LFP

My time at LFP is ending soon because I have finished collecting data for my undergraduate studies. Here are some things I have done…

Pengalaman Saya di LFP

Halo, nama saya Dede. Saya sekarang sedang menjadi voluntir di salah satu lembaga konservasi di bidang satwa khususnya satwa Kukang Jawa. Lembaga yang saya…

SLOW2018: Back to the beginning

Today’s SLOW2018 blog comes from Johanna Rode, Director of Asian Field Programme Coordinator at Chester Zoo. After our Director Anna Nekaris visited Cipaganti in…

Pride Day

Slow Loris Pride day is the annual celebration event from our project to say a huge thank to the people who live here for…