Search: “education”

155 results for your search.

Project Partners

Asian Species Action Partnership Asian Species Action Partnership (ASAP) is an interagency coalition created to address the extinction risk among the most threatened non-marine…

Mask Mayhem

Hello Loris Fans, Please help Endangered Asian Species Trust (EAST) to save the pygmy slow loris. EAST would like people all over the world…

Death by Coffee

Kopi Luwak is a coffee that has been regarded worldwide as the best coffee (a lot) of money can buy.  The coffee cherry is…

Is it worth it?

Tropical forests are being destroyed at a rate of 1.5 acres every second due to human activities, thereby accelerating climate change through impacts on…


Twice a year in our small village in West Java, Little Fireface Project hosts Slow Loris Pride Days. Pride Days is weekend of fun,…

The Kids Who Never Cry!

I’ve been volunteering with the Little Fireface Project here in West Java for just over a year now and something has become extremely clear…