Slow Loris Pride day is the annual celebration event from our project to say a huge thank to the people who live here for helping protect wildlife and raise more awareness of the importance of slow lorises. I am so excited since this my first-time experience.

Pride Day History
This year we intentionally held Pride Day alongside the Indonesian Independence Day, known locally as Hari Merdeka. It is observed annually in August to celebrate the declaration of independence from Dutch colonization in 1945. From the smallest towns to villages across more than 16,000 island in this country, people rejoice on this day including the adorable village of Cipaganti. There are many ways that Indonesians commemorate this big day. Flag-waving ceremonies take places across the country. Schools begin training weeks in advance with marching practice to fine tune the military-like processions that later clog all main streets. Special seasonal sales come up in town shopping malls. In our village, we held a fun and games event with almost 500 people gathering around in huge football field.

There were several games the were played for this celebration event in our village. First Panjat Pinang or greasy pole-climbing competition . Panjang pinang is one of the oldest yet popular tradition in Indonesia. This type of pole climbing was introduced to the Indonesians by Dutch colonists as form of entertainment, with typically 15 m-bamboo-trees are chopped down and stuck onto the ground with wheel full of prizes is placed on top, and young men and boy are welcomed to try and reach prizes to climb up after the trunk smeared with lubricants to add challenging element. One men never gave up and got to the top … after an hour of continuous trying!, what an exhausted sight !! AHMAD