Categories Conservation

SLOW 2018: Bengal Slow Loris Conservation in Bangladesh

Today’s SLOW2018 blog is all about Bengal slow loris in Conservation in Bangladesh, including their news update, reflecting back on a year of slow loris conservation, and how to campaign to maintain awareness for this species studied in Bangladesh for the first time, written by scientist and PI of the Bangladesh Slow Loris and Conservation Project Hassan Al-Razi!

Loris Rescue

It was 28thMarch 2017, I got a phone call from forest department informing about a Bengal Slow Loris, which was captured by the local people in Netrokana District. The district is situated near the border of India. As the forest department had lack of sufficient fund and man power, they wanted us to rescue the Loris. Although, we also didn’t have money for rescuing purpose, but an undefined feelings implied me. I decided to rescue the loris and told three of my volunteers rushed to the place. Because of my final M.Sc exam I was not able to take part in the loris rescue. Rescue team rescued that Bengal Slow Loris and observed for one night. In the next morning they released that Loris in the Satchari National Park. I think this one is a big achievement for us. Because, we returned him to his natural habitat. We are always there to serve the slow Loris.

Figure:Rescued Bengal Slow Loris

Slow Loris Outreach Week 2017

We also arranged an art competition among the school student on the occasion of Loris week-2017, where we introduced the little children with the slow lories and also told them about the amusing facts about Bengal Slow Loris. On that program some of my faculty lecturers were present. They judged the drawings and gave prizes to the winner. I was very much astonished to see their amusing drawings. Each and every drawing was very nice. Nobody could tell that, they had drawn the slow lorises for the first time. The little children were very eager to see the slow loris into the wild. I promised them I will take them to the wild and show the sleeping balls in the nature. You can watch the activities here!

Awareness Campaigning

Further, we have also done some community consultation with the people of forest adjacent area and school kids. I have learned a new name for Loris from them. They called Loris as “khabrang”. The word “khabrang” means shy lady. We know that slow Loris is a nocturnal animal, they can’t tolerate day light so, and they keep their hand on head for hiding from the sunlight during daytime. For these reason, the people things that the lorises feels shy in front of people and hide their faces. I have told them what we should do if a Slow loris accidentally come to the locality and how to rescue them with the help of forest department. But it is a matter of great regret that some tribal people are directly involve in poaching. We have tried to talk to them, but they are not willing to talk about these. We also went to the forest adjacent schools and introduce the kids with Bengal slow loris. We share the interesting information of slow loris with them. We distributed some posters and leaflets among forest adjacent peoples where we focused on importance of Bengal slow loris for the forests and loris rescue process.

Beside our research work, we are trying to conserve the Bengal slow loris with the help of local people. Hope in near future we will do more effective works for Bengal slow loris conservation.

Hassan Al-Razi

Principal Investigator

Bangladesh Slow Loris Research & Conservation Project