Every October, as the nights become darker, and the world becomes more like a slow loris would see it, we at the Little Fireface Project do more than our normal passionate activities for the slow loris – we invite the whole world to participate in Slow Loris Outreach Week! This year, we will be hosting a slow loris yoga event in Oxford; outreach events in Kyoto Japan including the premiere of a slow loris book; presenting a new beautiful film from Indonesian film maker Wawan Tarniwan on the ecology and plight of the slow loris; loads of activities from our project partners including Shaldon Wildlife Trust in the UK! We are also offering a special 10% discount on tshirts at our Etsy shop, so make sure to pop over and use coupon code SLOW2017 at check out! Thanks also to our friends at Peppermint Narwhal Creative for making such a cute and informative image to help everyone around the world to know their loris! Please check out our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter all this week to find out the many ways you can help to save the slow loris!
Slow Loris Outreach Week 2017 is Here!