How time flies, it’s that time of the year again, Slow (and Slender! and Pygmy! and Potto!) Loris Outreach Week! 2024 marks the 13th annual S.L.O.W – #SLOW2024. This year’s theme is “Captive Management”. With 100s of lorises and pottos still being rescued from illegal wildlife trade, alongside a declining captive population in accredited zoos, understanding the needs of all loris and potto species in captivity, including the complexities of changing taxonomy, has never been more important. For this year’s S.L.O.W the Little Fireface Project team will be sharing a series of diet recommendations, enrichment ideas, and stories of our work with our various zoo and rescue centre partners. We also will be highlighting new complexities in loris taxonomy and what that means for captive breeding programmes.
Downloadable Resources
Diet Sheets
LFP Loris Diet Fact Sheet – English
LFP Loris Diet Fact Sheet – Bahasa Indonesia