Posted on 24/02/2012
Jake Dickens from Louisville, Kentucky, in the USA is a 14-year-old student and a passionate animal advocate. Here is his heartfelt reaction to the Jungle Gremlins of Java.
“I have just finished watching the video and I really liked it. It was very interesting and o definitely learned some new things about the Loris. The Slow Loris is actually nothing like I thought it would be; they just seemed so harmless. I like that they were described as ninjas and assassins. I think it was really cool how you found out that there venom is used as a bug spray. I thought it was amazing that the little amount of poison could drive that sun bear away. I thought it was interesting that the poison was used by that village to harm other villages and how scared they were of the Slow Loris. I am an extreme animal lover and when you went into that market it made me really mad. Just how crammed all the animals were together and how they remove the teeth of the Loris. If there is anything io can do to help you and the Lorises I would like to know so I can help. Also I was wondering if you had any ideas of how to prevent and save the Slow Loris (from extinction) I would like to know. Thank you again.”
This sad but poignant poster made by Littlefireface follower GremlinGirl aka Amy Tattersall shows the plight of the loris that Jake so aptly describes above.
Please keep watching this blog, join our postcard campaign, request YouTube users to remove their loris videos, and come to my event in Bristol 1st March!